Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brooklyn to Chicago (BK to Chi-City)

So in order to save money, we figured a good way to cut down on gas expenses would be to find people willing to drive cross-county with us so we could split gas at least 3 ways. We ended up getting a ton of replies to our post on Craig's List but as soon as we had picked 2 people, they would cancel, and we would have to re-post after denying the other "applicants." Oh, and at this time, we'd like to thank those friends of ours who thought we would be murdered using Craig's List people...thanks, guys.

So we finally solidified our co-journeyers the day before; they are: Josh and Nick, a package duo from Australia, and Emily, one of the original people we accepted, but had to turn us down because her friend got pregnant. Turns out, she had no problem going to Chicago for the night and then finding a way back the next day...that girl crazy.

So we're driving along, making small talk and getting to know each other when we realize that we were in Amish Country, Pennsylvania (not actually called that).  We hopped off I-80 for a bit and decided to drive around looking for some Amish folk.

After a bit of searching with no luck, we pulled into someones driveway and asked some rando where the Amish were...she told us. Driving down the road and following her directions, we couldn't help but notice that an old pick up truck was tailgating us about 6 inches from the back of our car...if we hadn't been in Amish Country, maybe we wouldn't have been so freaked out. We finally found a little driveway to pull onto and as we did the pick up truck stopped...and so did my heart. The man in the truck shouted "Hey guys! Come on Over!" Needless to say we did not go over.

After resuming our hunt for Amish people we spotted a few selling raspberries on their farm. We pulled up and it was actually a pretty good deal: a couple hundred raspberries for 6 bucks. The only weird thing, other than the entire experience, was that the berries were black. We asked if they were blackberries, he assured us they were raspberries.

We got the heck outta Amish Country and back on I-80 where we pretty much booked it to Chicago. Midway there Emily received a phone call from her ride back east saying he had to bail...things were not looking up for Emily. A few phone calls and texts later however, Emily worked her hippie magic and finagled a ride back home. She was really into astrology and gave everyone there special numbers: I ( Goodman) am a 9, and I think  DK is a 4 or 5, regardless, we're all God's children.

After dropping her off in Chicago at about 3 30 in the morning, we group hugged and parted ways. She brought a really interesting dynamic to the crew and we're both gunna miss her; guess that's the way of the road, though. Now it's just Me, DK, Josh, and Nick en route to our first couch surfing experience in Nebraska....oh ya, thanks to all our friends who thought we'd get murdered couch surfing, too. :)

1 comment:

  1. hippie emily sounded fun.
    keep the good stories coming guys
